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Rain Room

Happy Monday! 

I hope you had a great weekend.

It’s so nice having Tj back. On Saturday we went to the Melbourne neighbourhood of St. Kilda. We had a nice lunch and then went to a really cool art exhibit called Rain Room

Here is some information I found on the website:  

  • Rain Room Melbourne is a 100 square metre field of continuous rainfall

  • It is a responsive environment engaging all the senses, allowing you to be fully immersed in the rain while simultaneously protected from it.

  • Rain Room seeks to explore how human relationships to each other and nature are increasingly mediated through technology.

We didn’t really know what to expect. I’d seen a few pictures and it looked cool, but I didn’t know much else about it. When we arrived the staff greeted us wearing all black with white lab coats. I had to lock my purse in a locker, and then we waited with our group to go inside. The host gave us a short talk about the art and why it was brought to Melbourne and what to expect. 

The sensors are about 1 metre apart, so you have to be careful not to get too close together or you will both get wet. Our host explained that we should walk slowly, and walk with our hands out so that we don’t get splashed with water because the sensors will detect you and stop, but you can’t do anything about the water that is already coming down.

There were about 20 people in our session, and we were split into two groups. Tj and I went in the same group. Our group was the first to walk through the rain, while the others waited along the sides of the room. 

It was sooo much fun!

I did get a little wet. Tj got really wet later when someone walked too close to him. But actually, for the most part, if I walked slowly and stayed away from people, I stayed really dry. There was one girl spinning and dancing, and there was even a little baby who was allowed to walk around. The room is all black except for one bright light at one end. After about 10 minutes, the groups switched we were on the side. The host encouraged us to walk around the outsides to see it from different angles, and she told us to go back in and she’d take a picture of us together. It came out so good! We got all of our best pictures after that. 

Tickets for adults were 30$ each, so a little pricey for 20 minutes, but still worth the experience. 

After Rain Room, we went for a drink beside the beach but it was starting to get a little cold. Then we went home and watched a movie and for once Tj was the one to fall asleep 10 minutes into it, not me! haha.

Have a great week :) 

(P.S. I’m having some trouble converting my photos for online version since I upgraded my phone, so some of these don’t look the greatest but I will sort it out and then re-upload them).