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Bali Trip 2020: A Preview

Happy Monday! 

I hope you had a great weekend.

Mine was very restful. I finished two books and had lots of naps. I think I am still catching up on sleep after my family's visit. On Sunday Tj and I went to the gym for the first time in two weeks - I am so sore!

I had planned to write a nice post about our Bali trip, but instead you just get a preview. I have been watching The Stranger on Netflix all day. Tj got ahead of me but now I am caught up we want to watch the finale together.

So here are a few pictures from my family trip to Bali with more to come in the coming weeks!

Have a great week :)

P.S. I can highly recommend The Stranger by Harlan Coben - the book and the Netflix series. The Netflix series is just different enough from the book that you can enjoy them both!