NGV Triennial Exhibition
Happy Monday!
I had a nice weekend on my own here :) I had a few naps, got some stuff done around the house, and watched some movies. The weather was lousy. Windy, rainy, and cold! It was a nice weekend to mostly stay in. But I did make it to the art exhibition I've been wanting to go to! I had planned to go on Saturday, and when I woke up and saw the weather report, I knew I better go early before it started raining and I got lazy. So I took a bus to the National Gallery of Victoria to see the NGV Triennial exhibition (hopefully the link still works… the last day of the exhibition was Sunday!). It was a free event featuring the work of over 100 artists and designers from 32 countries.
Now I know nothing about art, but I have a few friends who I love going with to stuff like this. One of my good girlfriends is an architect, and when we both lived in Toronto she always found the coolest events for us to go to. Even just walking around with her is always so interesting to get a glimpse of how differently people can view the same thing, like an office building. She always teaches me new things! I have another friend who is an art dealer. When she came to London she had arranged a studio tour of a Canadian artist, and I tagged along. It was fascinating! So these are good people to have around when I do something artsy.
But I was alone lol, although I did follow around a guy with a seeing eye dog in-training puppy all over the first floor, but that's just because I love dogs. So I took my little pamphlet and listened to my audiobook as I browsed around. I really enjoyed it. The most embarrassing thing was taking selfies in front of people LOL. So awkward!
Check out some of the beautiful art pieces below!
Artist: Xu Zhen
Artist: Akay Koo'Oila Women's Art Centre Artists
Artist: Uji Hahan Handoko Eko Saputro
Artist: Pae White
Artist: Pascale Marthine Tayou
Artist: Alexandra Kehayoglou
Artist: Nick Cave
These paintings are by Canadian born artist Sascha Brauning. They were so trippy! I had to get really close to get a good look!
Artist: We Make Carpets
Artist: Chinese born fashion designer Guo Pei
I had to line up for about fifteen minutes to see the next installation by artist Yayoi Kusama. It was a 'house' covered floor to ceiling in red flowers. It was beautiful! Everyone who entered was given a red flower to stick wherever they wanted. Every room had furniture covered in red flowers - the living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. I think I got a picture of the toilet lol. Before people went in, the guide reminded everyone that this was not just an instagram background, and asked everyone to make sure to credit the artist if they post a picture. There were a lot of people posing on the bed or in the bath tub, so it was hard to get pictures without looking like I was taking pictures of strangers. This is where I got caught taking a bunch of selfies, lol, but I was told I was photogenic so there's that haha.
The next stunning exhibit was by Australian born artist Ron Mueck. It was 100 large-scale sculptures of the human skull. It was really neat and slightly creepy. They were massive! People kept getting too close or trying to touch them and the security guards were running around getting mad at everyone lol. But I mean, they were right there, it was hard not to touch!
I hope sharing these pictures added a bit of colour and creativity to your day :)