
Welcome to my adventures. 

I like books, baking and travel. Follow along with me as I begin my new adventure in Melbourne!

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Monday and Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas and the grandmas and aunties and dog moms! I hope you had a great weekend.

My mom’s birthday falls around Mother’s Day, and this year we have a special guest post by Jacob! He stayed up late writing this just for you mom! So here we go…

Happy birthday mom!

I was contemplating which topic to really dive into this year. Your love for the neighbourhood animals definitely came to mind because it’s a testament to how caring, nurturing and selfless you can be. 

Then I thought of your obsession with puzzles because it demonstrates your persistence and dedication in the face of a challenge. Puzzles also prove you are the living embodiment of the phrase “never give up”, especially when you’re on day 6 of working on puzzle 8 while on day 45 of the lockdown. 

 But on this Mother’s Day/birthday I want to emphasize my return to Canada and how thankful I am to be spending these difficult times, not locked up in my dorm in Madrid, but in the comfort of our home con mi madre. I’ve never felt more privileged since returning home with the daily Tim Horton’s, the quick toasted tomato sandwich lunch breaks, the baking, the bagels, clean laundry and of course the daily pieces of advice you give me.

Every day under your roof I have grown wiser and the values and principles you convey have raised me to be the humble, assertive and conscientious young man that I am today. 

I love you mom, happy 29th birthday and happy Mother’s Day! <3


I promised Jacob I’d write a bit too, so I’d like to add a bit of context. My mom is such a friend of the wild animals in the neighbourhood, that the squirrels come right to the windows and doors for peanuts. In fact, one cheeky little guy even came right it the house and ran around all over, knocked a bunch of picture frames off the shelf and then took his peanuts and left. I’d say that’s also a testament to how gentle Jack the dog is (unless you are a baby bunny, but that’s a different story). If you FaceTime my mom she will try and show you all her birds in the backyard, no matter how many times you protest that there’s no way you can see a little bird with her poor wifi connection.

Jacob and I always joke about our ‘different moms’ because when I was little, my mom only drank tea with milk, but Jacob’s mom drinks extra large half hot chocolate half coffee (with a dome lid) three times a day, but still denies she’s a coffee drinker. My mom was a light sleeper and Jacob’s mom sleeps through anything. My mom used to hide candy in her room and Jacob’s mom… oh wait, somethings never change haha.

You are the glue that holds us all together. I miss you and love you lots! xoxo

Book Review: The Authenticity Project

Book Review: The Authenticity Project

Book Haul (round 6)

Book Haul (round 6)