
Welcome to my adventures. 

I like books, baking and travel. Follow along with me as I begin my new adventure in Melbourne!

Christmas Confession

Christmas Confession


Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are having a good week so far. I can't believe it's so close to Christmas! It's my favourite time of year and it doesn't really feel like it. I am excited for my upcoming holiday but it doesn't feel like I am going away over Christmas. Especially since we are going somewhere hot and sunny.

I was going to write today's post about my Christmas wrapping tips. I love wrapping presents now, but it started as a chore. When I was a kid, my mom would hire my cousin Tammy to wrap all her presents. When Tammy "retired", I inherited this job (except Tammy actually got paid to do it!). And after a few years, I learned to make it fun. I would make a nice hot chocolate (maybe add some Bailey's), pop on a Christmas movie, and transform into a present wrapping machine. Tammy taught me some tricks like it doesn't matter if you squish one end while you are taping the other end because it just gets folded anyways, and save your scraps to wrap your stocking stuffers.

And over time, the student became the master hahaha.

I seriously really enjoy present wrapping. I would love to be the person in the mall wrapping presents (does that even still exist?). So when I was thinking about writing this post, I was trying to think of the best, most helpful present wrapping tips. And I realised it's not so easy to translate my skills to the page lol.

So here is my Christmas confession.

Tj and I ran around the past few weekends, picking up a few small gifts for each other and also picking out a few things that we wanted for ourselves lol. And on Sunday night we were trying to figure out when we would exchange gifts. We wanted to do them before leaving for our trip. So we said let's just open one now.

We didn't even wrap them! We just closed our eyes and exchanged gifts haha. And then we said let's just open one more. And before we knew it, we had given each other all our presents and not a single one was wrapped! Hahaha oops.

The second part of my confession is that all the boxes in my picture are empty. I just wrapped them so I would have a picture for today LOL.

Have a great day :)

Gift Guide: Teen Books

Gift Guide: Teen Books

Enjoying the Hectic Holidays

Enjoying the Hectic Holidays